Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rituals of the Blood

The Turning Ritual (Il rituale di svolta): The changing of a human to a vampire form.  A human must accept the gift of immortal life and pledge themselves to servitude to the coven and the vampire race. A ritual of feeding and infecting the host with vampire blood over time is preferred. Remember, for your entire personality and memory to be intact it may require an exchange of blood with a vampire over a course of three nights. Sometimes a single bitten victim will turn, but usually with severe memory loss or even as a mindless animated corpse.

Reanimation Ritual (rianimazione rituale):  Very old vampires may sleep for over a 1000 years, but must be brought back in a reanimation ritual. This requires the remains to lay undisturbed and humans to be killed and the blood is poured over these remains for a period of 40 nights. On the 40th night, a good human, a virgin is fed to the master vampire, their corpse will reanimate as it drains the victim of their life giving blood…

Blood Bonding Ritual (legame di sangue rituale) is designed to be performed between two vampires who are willing to be committed and connected to one another in ways that go deeper than friendship but do not have to cross over into romantic love. It requires them to drink each other’s blood in a rite and words of bonding.

Bonding Words:

I give of myself
As I take from you,
so we forge a bond
that ties us soul to soul

We are Immortal.
We are Undying.
And nothing can sever
the bond we have sealed

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